It's been another week of ups and downs for Abby. On the down side, she is still experiencing stomach upsets and the doctors are still having to liquid from it. On the up side, she managed to gain a few pounds this week! The doctors would like her to gain about ten more pounds at a minimum. Please pray that she can continue to tolerate her feeds and that her SMA valve begins to work in response to the weight gain (once this happens they can take the tube in her left nostril, which drains her stomach, out).
Through the week, the nurses were able to get her in a wheelchair for approximately two hours at a time, on a regular basis.
Dan, Abby's Dad, did her trach change this week for the first time and he did an amazing job! It was the best trach change she's had yet! She was traumatized by one really bad change and now it has created a figurative hurdle for her. Abby is still really nervous and hesitant to allow no one else but trained professionals to care for her. She is coming around to her parents caring for her as the hospital staff continues to educate Reta and Dan on how to care for Abby however.
She's been able to receive more visitors now, and she loves entertaining, so please keep coming! You can sign up using the "Book Appointment" button at the top of the page.